The TAAG Rebuild Project
When TAAG was purchased for the community from the Council in October 2020 the building was in poor condition. The Trustees carried out a full assessment (previously impossible to do as we had only been renting on a month by month basis) and made plans to refurbish the building in 3 phases:
Phase 1 was to rebuild the ground floor and reopen as soon as possible so that the local community could resume their activities. Unfortunately COVID and successive lockdowns struck, leading to all sorts of problems in getting anything done in the building. Fortunately, in 2021 and 2022 we had the use of the Beachcomber on the seafront to run exhibitions and some workshops but we could not run a full programme. At the end of 2022 we had the required planning permission and were at last able to get the substantial works underway.
It took six months, but finally in July 2023 we were able to reopen with a modern and flexible gallery & workshop space where we could resume arts and other community activities. We are very grateful to everyone who contributed to this, either by donations or other assistance.
Phase 2 was the replacement of the building roof and related works, which took place from November 2023 to March 2024.
Before …. and after