TAAG – an update on progress late March 2020

Update 26th March –

Progress on developing plans for TAAG have slowed down due to the closure of many agencies that we need to consult. However, fund raising continues to be a priority so please give generously if you can

Meanwhile stay safe

TAAG – an update on progress late March 22nd 2020


Our solicitors have conducted all the necessary statutory checks and we hope to exchange contracts very soon. 


We visited the building last week with our architect and a Fire Officer to confirm that the sketch plans, kindly provided by Sam Homer, were compliant with fire regulations. Due to restricted access to the building we have had to use a local architect that is more available but our thanks to Sam who came up with some very useful plans that have allowed us to open discussions with all the parties that need to be involved.  

We have contacted the quantity surveying company, who carried out the survey in 2017, to update the building costs to include with our funding bids.

 The fire officer has confirmed that the sketch plans are acceptable subject to building regulations. The favoured design involves a central staircase and an extension to the 2nd floor subject to Planning Permission. This will allow the second floor to become a usable space creating 2-3 new workshops instead of being a storage area.  

Contractors have made good inroads towards demolishing the buildings at the rear and progress can be seen from Brunswick Street. The contractor have dug the trench for the footings for the new rear wall and details for the doorway into the alley way have been provided. To avoid flooding from surface water we are considering a bespoke flood door that will give TAAG the protection it needs. 

We have a specification for the lift and an estimated cost.

Fund Raising News

Currently our total is standing at around £90,000

We have been working on getting our Crowdfunding account up and running and also the provision of a ‘DONATE’ button on Facebook that should be active soon. 

 The funding group have already identified various grant funding bodies but we are still waiting on ownership, detailed plans and costings. 

 Our event fund raising group have a number of good ideas to raise funds but most of these will not be possible until the isolation rules are relaxed. These cancellations include all of the local events we were going to attend e.g. VE day. This is very frustrating but maybe we can come up with innovative ways to encourage donations on line.

 The French Musical Soireé did take place before the closures. Despite the uncertainty there was a good turnout for what was a very enjoyable evening and it raised an incredible £562 for the fund. Huge thanks to Alison and Sandra for organising the music for the event and selling tickets, Nick Coley for providing some wonderful food and Margaret for selling over £100 of raffle tickets. Thanks also to those who sponsored the evening with raffle prizes, the Co-op and Morrisons. Pictures to follow.

 The Oyster Catcher, now closed, agreed to hold our monthly raffle with the first art work, a print by Sue Williamson as the prize. Obviously, this fund-raising idea has been affected by coronavirus and our heartfelt best wishes go to the owners of the Oyster Catcher who have been very supportive of TAAG. 

 We are still aiming to reopen this year but circumstances may conspire against us.

Although we can’t be together but will keep working towards our goal of re-opening TAAG as soon as possible. Innovation and creativity have never been more important.

The Trustees